April 27, 2020

If you have been watching every news outlet in the world you would know that the Corona Virus (also known as COVID-19) has taken over the globe.

Why is this significant to me as a father?


My son just celebrated his 1st birthday. 

On April 19th.

As my wife and I sit back and reflect on this time, in which we are isolated to our house, alone with only him, we consistently think of what could have been.

What could have happened if Tripp would have had the pleasure to have a huge 1st birthday, with all of his friends and family over, at the house, opening gifts in person, instead of everyone having to send them via mail. 

We can only think, what it could have been, if everyone was gathered in person, to sing happy birthday to him, as they took an unlimited amount of photos with the star of the show.

The birthday boy.

My son.


Due to the virus, none of that happened, but does that mean we should sit here and sulk over what could have been? Becoming selfish thinking about how unfortunate this situation is? 

No and Hell No!

We must celebrate the important things! 

We got to celebrate loving Tripp for a whole year! We got to celebrate parenthood for a whole year. We got to celebrate all of his growth that he’s had over a year. We got to celebrate his birthday, as much as if, everyone we know and love was here with us. We got to celebrate a gracious God. A God who not only gave us a baby boy a year ago, but also gave us the gift of parenthood! 

Everyday with Tripp is a new adventure and a new adventure. My wife and I are thankful to be a part of it!

Yeah, it wasn’t the ideal birthday party that we wanted to have for Tripp, but we sure did celebrate the important things and let Tripp know that he is loved. While showing God how thankful we are that He allowed us to be his parents! 

Tripp won’t remember his 1st birthday, but we will as parents. So as I look back I ask myself a few questions:

  1. Did I make sure Tripp had a special day on his birthday? 
  2. If he were to remember his birthday, would he have enjoyed every second of it? 
  3. Would he know that his mother and I love him? 

If I could answer yes to all these questions, then I can be happy, even in a time when the Corona Virus is so prominent in the world we live in today. I can be happy about his birthday and the celebration we had! 


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