It almost doesn’t feel real. I am celebrating Father’s Day, like, as an actual father…
Wait. Hold on. I have to let this sink in for a second.
For most of my life, I’ve planned special meals and bought gifts for both of my fathers on Father’s Day. I’ve sent “Happy Father’s Day!” texts to uncles, coaches, and close friends. And now, I am the one being celebrated — and receiving those same text messages from so many people.
Need another second. Still sinking in…
Father’s Day was on Sunday, but I was fortunate enough to celebrate it throughout the weekend with my wife and my family. Such a blessing! Where to start!
My wife knows I hate the anxiety that comes with surprises. Still, she decided to surprise me anyway.
On Friday morning, she booked a family photoshoot in downtown Toronto with our daughter. But it wasn’t just any old photoshoot, we were shot by one of the city’s most talented, up-and-coming photographers. Being downtown on a hot summer’s day, with the CN Tower in sight, having an amazing time with my wife and daughter smiling for the camera was nothing short of perfect. Adding to the mood was that we were all basking in the glory of our hometown Raptors winning their first NBA title the day before. Not that I needed additional incentive, but it was very easy to smile.
(Wish I could show you the pictures/videos from our shoot in this post but they are being edited as I type. Won’t have them until next week).
On Saturday we went to church to celebrate the christening of our family’s three newest additions. So if you didn’t know, I have six siblings ranging in age from 3 to 29. My brother Tyler (24) has two young daughters of his own. Add my daughter and it’s safe to say we are expanding our family roster almost every year. I love my enormous family. The challenge is that I only get to see them for three months during the summer because I am overseas playing professional basketball for the rest of the year.
Saturday was the first time our entire family (with my daughter and Tyler’s girls) were under the same roof, in the same church that my siblings and I were blessed in. It’s truly incredible how life comes around full circle. Being there and having the girls christened together with our family sharing in the moment is something we will all remember.
And finally, Sunday — Father’s Day.
Celebrating Father’s Day as a father is a feeling that is indescribable. To know that on this day, for the rest of my life, my daughter will celebrate me is something I will deeply cherish. And as a result, celebrating both of my fathers means so much more to me now.
I was blessed to have two fathers help raise me from a young age. Someone else writing from my perspective might identify their biological father and their stepfather to the reader, but to me, they are both my fathers, nothing less than that.
I was able to take both of them out to eat, buy each of them a gift, and just sit and talk to them — allowing them to know how much they mean to me not only for what they did for me, but what they did for my daughter and future kids.
They showed me how to raise children the right way — to build them up when they are down and to celebrate them when they are successful. To discipline them when they have done wrong, and to teach them what is right. To steer them in the right direction, and to allow them to be free enough to find their true self. And most of all, how to love them with all you have, no matter what is going on in the world.
My first Father’s Day (weekend) was an experience I’ll never forget. Even though I look at my daughter every day and know she changed my life forever, Father’s Day brings it home. She can never know the feeling until she has kids herself.
I finally understand when my fathers used to say that they didn’t “need” anything on Father’s Day, they just wanted to be with their kids. That’s what parents truly want. Material things will get damaged, lost, or worn out through time. But memories with our children will last forever.
To all the fathers out there who are loving, supporting, and continuing to be the best fathers they can be to their children, I say to you with all the love in my heart:
Happy Father’s Day
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